Get Vaccinated Berkshires
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Vaccination against COVID-19 and Influenza (Flu) is the best way to prevent serious illness and complications associated with infection. Immune protection decreases over time, and a booster dose may be needed to keep you, your family, and your community healthy.
GetVaccinatedBerkshires is a collaborative effort of the Berkshire Vaccine Collaborative. This website is intended to be a “one stop shop” for vaccine-related information and clinic sign-ups. COVID-19 and flu vaccine clinics are offered each fall, from late September through early November, in most Berkshire County municipalities. Anyone may get a vaccine at any public vaccine clinic, regardless of insurance status or residence. Vaccine appointments are offered at no cost to you, but please supply your insurance card if you have one, to help defray costs. All clinics will have pediatric and adult flu vaccine, Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, and a high-dose flu vaccine for those over 65. A very limited number of egg-free vaccines and FluMist (nasal spray) may be available at certain clinics. Please wear a short-sleeved shirt or loose clothing when you come to your vaccine appointment.
COVID and Flu Vaccination Guidelines
Anyone over 6 months should get a COVID-19 vaccine and flu vaccine each year. Guidelines may change frequently; please click here for information on staying up-to-date with the COVID-19 vaccine, and please click here for information on flu prevention, including vaccination.